Hammer Hub 🖥
1: Image Multi-Selection
Now you can easily select what images you want from your project with our handy Multi-Selection!
It's as easy as holding your mouse down and dragging over the photos!
💡 Pro tip: Click an image, hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click another image to select only the images in between.

2: Process Partial Datasets
Gone are the days of having to process your entire dataset only to find out that you didn't need a part of it.
Now you can select a part of your dataset and process just that section, giving you the freedom to select what you want to provide your client or stakeholder! This is specially useful if you would like to exclude some images from the processing.
💡 We recommend capturing nadir and oblique images for 3D models and excluding the facade images if required. Here's more on that: https://www.hammermissions.com/post/oblique-images-3d-drone-mapping
3: Improved Processing Times
Nobody likes to wait. So we have vastly improved our processing times for 3D models and 2D maps!
Just one of our many tweaks and improvements on the Hammer Hub

1: DJI Mavic 3T Support
That's right, last month we integrated the M3E, and this month we tackled its thermal twin the M3T!
Now supported on the DJI Smart Controller look out for our upcoming field test video featuring our favorite test spot..The Mill!

2: RTK Support (Base Station) For M3E And M3T Series
We have been working hard to get both the M3E and M3T compatible with Hammer Missions and as you know by now, both have been successfully integrated.
So what was the next logical step.....RTK Base Stations!
After some thorough field tests, we are happy to announce that RTK has also been fully integrated into the Hammer Missions platform and works flawlessly with both the M3E and M3T!

4: UI/UX Improvements
The Android Hammer Missions App has undergone some changes and improvements to both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
Why not download the Android App and see for yourself?
Coming Soon: M30T and Mavic Mini Support
With the M3T now firmly under our belt, we have started our integration with more of DJI's family of drones.
Over the coming months, we will be looking at integrating with M30, and everyone's favorite little drone, the Mavic Mini range!

And that’s it for this release! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our enterprise solutions, please do reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you.
- Team at Hammer Missions