Overview of Drone Derived 3D Models
In this post, we will be testing the accuracy of measurements of drone 3D Models created using Hammer Missions
For this study, we collected the data in the field and processed that data but we also took real-world measurements to understand the comparisons between our 3D Models and the physical world.
Below we will detail each object or structure measured and give both the software and the real-world measurements.
Measurement Area
The subject we used was a garden with various structures and objects in it so that we could gain an understanding of what measurements looked like when the garden had been 3D Modelled.
The garden is set up on five different levels varying in height and length as you can see from the video below.

Structures / Area Measurements
We took 11 real-world measurements around the garden.
Each structure or area will have its real-world measurement followed by the measurement calculated by Hammer Missions
Back of the House
Real-World Measurement: 12.7 Meters
Drone 3D Model Measurement: 11.43 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 1- 2m

Small Cabin
Real-World Measurements:
Length: 3.28 Meters
Depth: 2.96 Meters
3D Modelled Measurements:
Length: 3.38 Meters
Depth: 2.23 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 0.10m and 0.73m

We also calculated the volume of the small cabin using the volume tool:
Real-World Volume: 15.8 Meters Cubed
3D Modelled Volume: 16.04 Meters Cubed
Measurements Discrepancy 0.6m cubed.

Front Edge Of Pond
Real-World Measurements: 2.51 Meters
3D Modelled Measurements: 2.24 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 0.27m

Shed Length
Real-World Measurements: 3.89 Meters
3D Modelled Measurements: 3.83 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 0.06m

Real-World Measurements: 3.6 Meters
3D Modelled Measurements: 3.41 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 0.19m

Deck Length
Real-World Measurements: 4.81 Meters
3D Modelled Measurements: 4.78 Meters
Measurements Discrepancy 0.03m

Large Cabin
Real-World Measurements:
Length: 5.2 Meters
Depth: 4.8 Meters (with overhang) and 3.7 Meters (no overhang)
3D Modelled Measurements:
Length: 5.26 Meters
Depth: 4.72 Meters (with overhang) 3.41 Meters (no overhang)
Measurements Discrepancy 0.06m, 0.08m and 0.29m

We also calculated the volume of the large cabin using the volume tool:
Real-World Volume: 37 Meters Cubed
3D Modelled Volume: 36.97 Meters Cubed
Measurements Discrepancy 0.03m cubed.

As you can see from our real-world measurements compared to our 3D Modelled measurements the accuracy is under 1m in most instances.
It is important to note that 3D measurements are highly sensitive to the points input by the user and should only used as an estimate, as opposed to a survey grade measurement.
Having said the above, we are exploring a number of techniques to automatically generate these measurements and improve overall accuracy.
We hope this study has helped you understand the expected levels of accuracy with 3D measurements created in Hammer Missions
If you'd like to learn more about how to produce high-quality data and get the most out of your drone missions, please feel free to visit our learning resources
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To learn more about our enterprise solutions, including mission collaboration, data processing, and AI solutions, please contact us at team@hammermissions.com
We look forward to hearing from you.
- Team at Hammer Missions