1. Sync Missions from Hammer App to Hammer Hub
Now sync missions created on the App back to Hammer Hub.

2. Support for Longer Missions on Hammer App
Hammer App now supports flying longer missions without stopping and transitioning between missions. This is specially useful for long Linear Flight Missions or Magnetic Survey missions.
3. Roof Inspection Missions between App and Hub
We've improved the roof inspection flight plans generated by Hammer App and Hammer Hub, providing consistency in flight plans generated by the two platforms.

Roof Inspection Mission on Hammer Hub
4. Configure Camera Parameters in Hammer Hub
Now configure Camera Parameters such as focal length, image width and height, directly in Hammer Hub!

5. Roof Inspections - An Exhaustive Guide
Looking to optimise your roof inspection workflows? Read and learn more using our exhaustive guide on roof inspections.
6. 3D Data Analysis - Video Tutorial
As part of our data analysis series, we've launched a tutorial on how to use 3D data analysis features in Hammer Hub.
7. Phantom 4 RTK Improvements (Coming Soon)
We've made a number of improvements for the Phantom 4 RTK platform, including but not limited to:
Improved Automated Camera Trigger
Improved RTK Settings
Live Telemetry for RTK data over Custom RTK network.
8. Vote for Android
We're now exploring supporting Android devices on Hammer. If you'd like us to accelerate this on our roadmap, vote for this feature over here!
And that’s it for this release! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our enterprise solutions, please do reach out to us on team@hammermissions.com.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- The Hammer Team