1. New Mission Files Interface
We've moved away from the old mission files view to a new full screen table view on Hammer Hub, allowing you to easily find, search and organise your mission files!
New Mission Files View
2. Improved RTK Integrations (coming soon)
Following our integration with the Phantom 4 RTK drone, we'll shortly be releasing an update for the Hammer App that generates RINEX data on the drone's SD card post flight. We're also working on integrations for in-app custom RTK settings.
3. Data Analysis - Video Tutorial
We've recently published a new tutorial on how to use the data analysis features in Hammer Hub. We're planning a whole host of new data analysis features in the upcoming months!
And that’s it for this newsletter! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our enterprise solutions, please do reach out to us on team@hammermissions.com.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- The Hammer Team