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  • Writer's pictureHammer Missions

What's New in Hammer - April 2021 Update

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

  1. New Terrain Data - SRTM 30m / DSMs We've made new terrain data available in the Hammer app over the internet. This will help power more robust and reliable terrain follow missions!

2. Integrated Flight Logging Flight Logging has now been integrated into a single consolidated view in Hammer Hub. We're also exploring automatic sync integrations with DroneDesk.

3. Roof Inspection - Optimal Speed Calculation Roof Inspection mission in Hammer now calculates the optimal speed for the drone, similar to the mapping and 3D modelling missions.

4. Mission Planning - Hammer Hub Improvements We've made mission planning faster and more reliable in Hammer Hub!

5. Data Analysis - Coming Soon

We're planning to launch our in-house solution for data analysis - initially focused on infrastructure inspections, but soon to be integrated with 3D models and orthomosaics. If you'd like to try this out - register your interest below!


And that’s it for this release! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our enterprise solutions, please do reach out to us on

We look forward to hearing from you.

- The Hammer Team


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