In this brief guide, we're going to take a look at how to setup RTK (Base Station or Network) with the Hammer Missions app.
This guide is specific to our Android / Smart controller App.
1. Base Station RTK
To setup base station RTK with Hammer Missions, turn on your drone, base station and the smart controller. Launch Hammer Missions and then follow the steps in the video below:
Before connecting, check that your base station is turned on and receiving GPS
2. Network RTK
To setup network RTK with Hammer Missions, turn on your drone and the smart controller. Ensure that your smart controller is connected to the internet.
Launch Hammer Missions and then follow the steps in the video below:
Before connecting, check that your smart controller has internet access
And that's pretty much it! If you have any questions or feedback on the RTK setup process, please feel free to get in touch with us at